Being an investment company in 2020, put in place a new investment strategy and structure for its investors, to focus on the listed universe of media & entertainment. Le Noueau Mid-Caps MAP our firm's focus is squarely on implementing this strategy.
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Being an investment company in 2020, put in place a new investment strategy and structure for its investors, to focus on the listed universe of mid-cap sports, media & entertainment stocks: the IndexAtlas Mid-Caps MAP I. Our firm's focus is squarely on implementing this strategy.
Our investment style has been honed over 20 years of Le Nouveau Holdings history and remains the same: we focus on highly leveraged, actively managed, control or negative control investments.
By the time Izabela Depczyk became the CEO of Paddle8 last year, the online auction site—founded in 2011 as a traditional-auction disruptor—had already evolved into what it now calls.